Casper Construction, Inc. prioritizes safety above all else. We believe that the success of a project hinges on its safety measures. Through meticulous planning, comprehensive training, employee involvement, and unwavering vigilance, we strive to ensure that everyone departs our job sites as safely as they arrived.
Our commitment to safety is deeply ingrained in our Core Values, which include:
Cultivating and reinforcing safe behaviors
Sharing expertise and best practices
Investing in continuous learning and development
Conducting thorough root cause analysis and pre-task planning
We work hard to implement company-wide initiatives such as new hire orientation programs, regular safety training sessions, weekly "tool box" talks at job sites, and meticulous job site safety audits to proactively prevent incidents.
New Hire Orientation
Every employee undergoes comprehensive safety orientation training. Pre-work safety orientation encompasses essential topics including injury reporting, AWAIR (A Workplace Accident and Injury Reduction Program), Right to Know regulations, and our drug and alcohol policies. Additionally, specialized safety training for job-specific tasks such as excavation, traffic control flagging, and confined space work is provided. As part of our commitment to safety, all new hires undergo drug testing prior to joining the team.
Scheduled Training
Training sessions are arranged to equip workers with the essential knowledge and troubleshooting skills needed for productive and safe job completion. Annual training includes Excavation Competent Person, MSHA refresher, First Aid and CPR, alongside specialized training.
Weekly "Tool Box Talks"
"Tool Box" safety talks are developed by our Health, Safety, and Environmental Manager and provided to the Foremen of each crew weekly. The chosen topics for discussion are tailored to upcoming tasks, client demands, near misses, and recent incidents. All employees are expected to review the weekly safety topic and are urged to contribute suggestions for additional topics, share lessons learned, or discuss experiences for collective learning.
Job Site Safety Audits
Our Health and Safety Manager regularly visits crews to perform Job Site Safety Audits to create awareness of existing strengths and areas in need of enhancement. These thorough audits heighten awareness of potential health and safety risks and the necessary steps needed to improve them. Upon completion, audit results are shared with Foremen, Supervisors, and Company Owners to facilitate necessary improvements, ensuring continued or enhanced safety and compliance.